Change Environmental Effects

Projects, Activities and Actions

Proposed Mitigation/Compensation Measures

Follow-up or Monitoring




Prediction Confidence

P Positive

A Adverse

ST Short-term

MT Medium-term

LT Long-term

P Permanent

R Reversible

I Irreversible

Confidence in the significance prediction, based on scientific information and statistical analysis, identified technical boundaries, professional judgment and known effectiveness of mitigation:

L Low level of confidence

M Moderate level of confidence

H High level of confidence.



Ecological/Socioeconomic Context


L Low

M Moderate

H High

O Occurs once.

S Occurs sporadically at irregular Intervals

R Occurs on a regular basis and at regular intervals

C Continuous

U Undisturbed: Area relatively or not adversely affected by human activity

D Developed: Area has been substantially previously disturbed by human development or still present

N/A Not Applicable

If a significant environmental effect is predicted, the likelihood of that significant environmental effect occurring is determined, based on professional judgment:

L Low probability of occurrence.

M Medium probability of occurrence

H High probability of occurrence

Geographic Extent


Other Projects, Activities, or Actions

S Site-specific

L Local

R Regional

S Significant

N Not Significant

List of specific projects or activities that would contribute to the cumulative environmental effects.