Type of expression




Resisting the interventionist, management or change, questioning, opposition, or rejection.



Criticizing the current activity or organization.

“I think that the current practices do not work. The main question is what goes wrong in the public way of operating?”


Explicating new possibilities or potentials in the activity, relating to past positive experiences, characterizing the problematic object as a source of new possibilities.

“The atmosphere in the development group is positive. The discussions with cross-sectorial civil servants concern practical concrete issues. Everyone is engaged with the decisions.”


Envisioning new patterns or models from partial preliminary suggestions for the presentation and examination of comprehensive models for the future.

“It is utmost important that all the community associations will be invited to the next planning sessions.”

Committing to actions

Committing the concrete actions aimed at changing the activity with commissive speech acts.

“I have promised to take the main responsibility. I will write the proposal on the form and send it.”

Taking actions

Taking consequential actions to change the activity.

“I have advertised the event in webpages.”