Plant configuration node

Plant configuration region

Plant configuration model

Greening node

Gesang Palace

Pine + cypress + walnut

Wuyao Palace

S. japonica

Dadanmingjiu Palace

7 cypresses at two sides + 4 pines at four corners + 2 cypresses

Jinse Palace

Pine + cypress + peach + A. julibrissin + walnut

Kangsong Silun and around the stage

M. baccata + U. pumila + pine and cypress

Cuoji Palace and around around pond

Cypress encircled

Greening “strip”

Jinse Linka

P. cathayana at east section + pine and cypress at west section

Outside east gate of Jinse Palace

8 Amygdalus davidiana

Flower and fruit forest belt

M. baccata + A. vulgaris

Flower trail

Hedgerow + flowers

Flower gallery

Vines twining

Greening surface

Natural landscape

U. pumila forest+ apricot garden

Auxiliary landscape

Willow forest

Space separation, delineation of scenic boundaries, barriers

Large-area cultivation