Cause 1

Free radical theory of aging

A primary risk reduced by Mito-C. Radicals contain unpaired electrons which cause a variety of damage, especially plaque in arteries and DNA mutations.

Cause 2


Especially low level chronic inflammation caused by stress, trans fats and omega-6 fatty acids, this degrades the immune system and promotes obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Cause 3

Telomere shortening

This causes cellular senescence. Major causes are diet and stress. Polyphenols in Mito-C preserve telomeres.

Cause 4

Protein misfolding

A primary risk reduced by Mito-C. PM causes deficiencies in effective metabolism, cellular senescence, and protein aggregation as found in Alzheimer plaque.

Cause 5

Microbiome destruction

Loss of healthy microbes in the intestines is especially caused by antibiotics, deficient fiber in the diet.

Cause 6

Cellular senescence

Caused by causes 1 - 4, loss of stem cells particularly can have cascading effects on other metabolic systems.