






Health Focus in Comparisons between Rural and Urban Areas

Health-related Factors during COVID-19 in Rural and Urban Areas

Desdiani D., et al.

Impact of the restrictions on community activities policy during the COVID-19 on psychological health in Indonesia’s urban and rural residents: A cross-sectional study

Health Science Reports, 2022

To compare the extent of psychological impact on Indonesians living in urban and rural areas.

Cross- sectional

428 of 434 from 25 of 34 provinces in Indonesia

Mental Health

Ÿ Social Support

Ÿ Lifestyle

Ÿ Sleep

Zhang J., et al.

Rural-urban disparities in knowledge, behaviors, and mental health during COVID-19 pandemic: A community-based cross-sectional survey

Medicine, 2021

To examine the knowledge level, behaviors, and psychological status of the Chinese population during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to explore differences between urban and rural areas.

Cross- sectional

3001 community residents in 30 provinces or districts across China

Mental Health

Ÿ Disease-related knowledge and means to gain knowledge about COVID-19.

Ÿ Behavior of people during the pandemic.

Kenward C., et al.

Population health management to identify and characterise ongoing health need for high-risk individuals shielded from COVID-19: a cross-sectional cohort study

BMJ Open, 2020

To use population health management (PHM) methods to identify and characterize individuals at high risk of severe COVID-19 for which shielding is required, for the purposes of managing ongoing health needs and mitigating potential shielding-induced harm.

Cross- sectional cohort

1,013,940 individuals from 78 contributing general practices in the South West of England, UK.

Chronic conditions

Ÿ Health care utilization

Ÿ Comorbidities