ADA 2004

ADA 2008

IDF 2005

Protocol for the Care of Adolescent Children with Diabetes in School (2010) Extremadura, (Spain)

1. Collaboration with the student’s diabetes health care team to develop a personal Diabetes Medical Management Plan

1. Collaboration with the healthcare providers, school personnel, and the student for devised a Diabetes Healthcare Plan

1.1. Transmitting the Diabetes Healthcare Plan and an emergency plan to the school

1. To inform the educational center about the diagnosis of the T1DM. Collaborate in the elaboration of a children and adolescents with diabetes personal plan (It is not specified who with, what or how)

2. All materials and equipment necessary for diabetes care tasks, including blood glucose testing, insulin administration (if needed), and urine or blood ketone testing

2. Bringing diabetes supplies

2. Only after the needed care for the diabetes in school has been authorised by the School Board will all materials and essential equipment for the diabetes care be provided

2.1. Someone to go to administer insulin or other necessities when required by the school staff, and when the child/adolescent cannot do it by himself.

3. The parent/guardian is responsible for the maintenance of the blood glucose testing equipment.


3. The parent is responsible for the maintenance of the blood glucose testing equipment.

4. Must provide materials necessary to ensure proper disposal of materials.


4. The proper disposal of materials in a small container should be ensured working together with the reference nurse in DM.

5. A separate logbook should be kept at school with the diabetes supplies for the staff or student to record test results.


5. To collaborate in the update of the student with DM’s health card

6. Blood glucose values should be transmitted to the parent/guardian for review as often as requested.



7. Supplies to treat hypoglycaemia, including a source of glucose and a glucagon emergency kit, if indicated in the Diabetes Health Care Plan



8. Information about diabetes and the performance of diabetes-related tasks

8. Transmitting diabetes information to the school

8. Transmitting information about diabetes to school. Collaborating on everything required to control your son/daughter DM, with the teachers and the health professionals.

9. Emergency phone numbers for the parent/guardian and the diabetes care team so that the school can contact these individuals with diabetes-related questions and/or during emergencies



10. Information about the student’s meal/snack schedule. The parent should work with the school to coordinate this schedule with that of the other students as closely as possible. For young children, instructions should be given for when food is provided during school parties and other activities.


10. Collaborating on everything required to control your children’s DM, with the teachers and the health professionals.

11. In most locations and increasingly, a signed release of confidentiality from the legal guardian will be required so that the health care team can communicate with the school. Copies should be retained both at school and in the diabetes offices and health care professionals’ offices.


11. To inform teachers and school staff, at the discretion of the centre and under the family’s authorization, about any student with DM.

11.1. To supply the student’s medical and nurse reports relating to a student’s illness, when they are required by the professionals who attend the child/adolescent.

11.2. To supply the teacher proof of student’s absenteeism when it is due to the attendance of doctor or nurse’s appointment or other reasons related to DM.