
Hedonic value (HV)

Wangkui shadow souvenir was fun and pleasant

Wangkui shadow souvenir had high ornamental value

Wangkui shadow souvenir was fantasy

Perceived problem (PP)

The quality of the Wangkui shadow souvenir was not distinguishable

The exhibition of Wangkui shadow souvenir was not good enough

Wangkui shadow souvenir was not very well known

Utilitarian value (UV)

Wangkui shadow souvenir can be used in study

Wangkui shadow souvenir can be used as the toys

Wangkui shadow souvenir can be used in daily days

The cost of Wangkui shadow souvenir is reasonable

Customer satisfaction


I was pleased to buy Wangkui shadow souvenir

The overall feeling I got form Wangkui shadow souvenir was satisfied

Trying a souvenir of Wangkui shadow was good

Attitude of protection and development (APD)

I would like to know more about the Wangkui shadow

I think the Wangkui shadow souvenirs is worthy of in-depth development

I would like to pay a fee to participate in the Wangkui shadow activity

I support the protection of the Wangkui shadow

Purchase intention (PI)

I would like to pay a fee to participate in the Wangkui shadow activity

I would like to buy Wangkui shadow souvenir with ornamental value

I would like to buy more practical souvenir of Wangkui shadow

I would like to buy Wangkui shadow souvenirs online