Animal spirits; the psychology of the enterprise (*)


Basic needs philosophy

Bounded rationality

Brand loyalty

Consumer’s surplus (*) (analyzed but not fully)

Expectations = beliefs or views on future values of economic variables

Expected utility theory/ -prospect theory

Heterogeneity; homogeneity (*)

Just price

Money illusion

Perfect information

Permanent income hypothesis

Revealed preference (*)


Time preference (*)

Utility and utility function (*)


Value, theory of (*)

Value management

Vertical equity

“Von Newmann-Morgestern” utility

Want creation

Willingness to pay (*)

Keynes’ 4 fundamental psychological laws (*)

Mass psychology of investors

Workers seek a much higher “money-wage”

Multiplier > 1 (*)

The Psychological factors for stability (*)

Pareto’s power law (*)

Supplementary cost (*)

Total 34