All Perspectives

Strategic Objectives 1

Strategic Objectives 2

Strategic Objectives 3

Decision Rule #1

Improve the number of internet users by 26.18% of the population

Decision Rule #2

Improve School life by 5 years

Decision Rule #3

Increase women in politics by 15.3%

Decision Rule #4

Increase mobile cellular subscriptions by 56.96 per 100 people

Political Perspective

Strategic Objectives 1

Strategic Objectives 2

Strategic Objectives 3

Decision Rule #5

Improve the corruption perception index by 44 points

Decision Rule #6

Maintain military expenditures (% of GNP)*

Improve the ease of doing business index by 57 points

Decision Rule #7

Improve the competitiveness index by 1.78 points

Decision Rule #8

Improve the corruption perception index by 19 points

Decision Rule #9

Maintain military expenditures (% of GNP)*

Improve the ease of doing business index by 38 points

Economical Perspective

Strategic Objectives 1

Strategic Objectives 2

Strategic Objectives 3

Decision Rule #10

Improve the gross national income by 30,827.25$ (US) per capita

Decision Rule #11

Improve the gross national income by 30,591.82$ (US) per capita

Decision Rule #12

Improve exports of goods and services by 54.13% of GNP

Decision Rule #13

Improve exports of goods and services by 43.57% of GNP

Improve the gross national income by 13,791.02$ (US) per capita

Reduce unemployment by 18.5%

Sociological Perspective

Strategic Objectives 1

Strategic Objectives 2

Strategic Objectives 3

Decision Rules #14

Improve life expectancy for men by 5.83 years

Decision Rules #15

Improve homicides UN survey of crime and trends index by 0.4

Increase school life expectancy by 2 years

Decision Rules #16

Increase school life expectancy by 5 years

Reduce adolescent fertility by 1.79 per 1000

Decision Rules #17

Maintain life expectancy for men

Technological Perspective

Strategic Objectives 1

Strategic Objectives 2

Strategic Objectives 3

Decision Rules #18

Improve the number of internet users by 17.19% of the population

Decision Rules #19

Increase sercure internet servers by 731.05 per million

Decision Rules #20

Increase mobile cellular subscriptions by 41.91 per 100 people

Increase fixed broadband internet subscriptions by 8.06 per 100 people