When I was reading a story to my child or we were looking at a cartoon/comic, I asked him/her questions about the characters’ feelings of fear/sadness/anger

Example: Oh look, Tchoupi has lost his teddy bear. How does he feel?


When I was reading a story to my child or we were looking at a cartoon/comic, I asked him/her questions about the characters’ feelings of happiness

Example: Oh look, Tchoupi has been given a present. How does he feel?


I encouraged my child to talk about his/her feelings


When my child talked to me about someone being afraid, I explained why that person was afraid

Example: Your sister was afraid because she saw a spider.


I talked with my child about different ways of managing his/her fear/sadness/anger

Example: When you are afraid in bed at night, you can turn on the light to be less afraid.


When I talked to my child about positive feelings (happiness, surprise) and we disagreed, I argued in order to bring him/her round to my viewpoint


When I talked to my child about negative feelings (sadness, fear, anger) and we disagreed, I argued in order to bring him/her round to my viewpoint


When my child seemed sad, I asked him/her to explain what he/she was feeling


When my child was angry, I encouraged him/her to calm down so as not to show his/her feelings


When I was reading a story to my child or we were looking at a cartoon/comic, I answered his/her questions about the characters’ feelings of fear/sadness/anger

Example: Simba is sad because his father is dead.


When I was reading a story to my child or we were looking at a cartoon/comic, I answered his/her questions about the characters’ feelings of happiness

Example: Simba is happy because he is with his father


When my child experienced positive feelings, it wasn’t necessary to talk to him/her about them


When my child came home sad after being out (at school, with friends or family, etc.), we talked together about his/her feelings


When my child asked me questions about someone being happy/sad/angry/afraid, I was able to take the time to reply
Example: Daddy is cross because he has to work on Saturday