Statement number/Teacher-training college/cohort

Sample excerpt—out of 46statements





“I recommend that any student who comes to the inter-collegiate courses open up to and become familiar with the possibility of integration—integrating the course work with his own personal credo and getting ideas from other students who are studying completely different fields.”

Recommends the integration of pedagogic rationale with program content and ideas of other participants.




“The concept of teamwork was also strengthened for us. We saw and experienced the dramatic increase in creativity that happens when we work together in a group and cultivate each other’s ideas.”

Group work and its contribution are sources of creativity.




“This experience taught me that there are many ways to teach subject matter. As teachers, our goal is to teach material in an interesting, different way that will challenge students and develop their skills to the maximum, in the best way possible. For that reason, a teacher needs to be creative and dare to teach a different way, a way that he believes in.”

Teaching must be pursued in a variety of ways, teachers need to challenge students, and be daring in their professional approach.




“I believe that the integration of the students—ideas, thoughts, materials and learning styles—can be a winning combination for creating meaningful learning experiences for students in modern times.”

Integration of students, thoughts, materials and learning styles help facilitate meaningful learning.




“I am confident that thinking out of the box is ultimately beneficial not only to students, but also to the teacher, who will end up enjoying herself more. I even think it can improve the teacher’s confidence in her own abilities and in the tools she uses. That is why we need to continually assess ourselves—is the easier choice, the one that is familiar and readily available, also the right choice, the one that is most enjoyable and effective in teaching the material?”

Creativity benefits and improves the professional confidence of the teacher, strengthens him and contributes to the teacher’s ability to self-assess.




“This course inspired me to delve deeper and deeper into education, to understand and explore different educational methodologies, thereby reaching a deep and real understanding of creative thinking in education. My participation in the course raised a lot of dialogue about the topic, which in turn helped to refine and clarify it more.

Without a doubt, participating in this course is a change of direction for our professional development as teachers. The ability to think out of the box helps us, as educators, manage to reach also students who are struggling and to find the right path to success by investing ourselves and approaching the subject matter differently.”

The course inspires deep inquiry of creativity in education and its influence on the professional identity of educators and their ability to help struggling students achieve more.