NVC Skills

NVC Practice via virtual Classroom

Comparison of NVC Practice

Physical appearance

The physical appearance of teachers is similar between their presence in the traditional classroom and virtual.

There are similarities of NVC skills that need to be practiced between the traditional classroom and virtual.


Adherence to body movements by teachers facilitates e-learning processes that are not happening in a face-to face form.


Teachers must comply the role of time and its management.

Facial Expressions

The facial expressions highlighted by the teacher are supported by multimedia elements such as vivid visuals.


Eye contact should be consistent with video recording. However, it does not occur during teaching listening skills using audio because only audio is used for that purpose.


The quality of teacher’s video recording determines the variations of sound such as high and low voice. Therefore, teachers need to maintain the quality of the recording or remind students to use the speakers/headphones, also the equipment is functioning well.


No haptic or physical contact between teacher and students in e-learning process.

There are differences of NVC skills that need to be practiced between the traditional classroom and virtual.


There is no distance between teacher and students when communicating because they only use electronic devices such as mobile phones or computers.

Art factual

The teaching and learning process takes place anywhere through e-learning, no furniture layout required. But students may apply a comfortable zone like choosing to be at home, computer lab, cafe or somewhere else.


This NVC skill is not implemented and is not relevant to distance learning.