Gamification in education practices





The exploratory and dialog-based nature of seminars require active (and not passive) students

Students perform critical reflections via readings and dialogue; teacher act as facilitator

The interactive and exploratory nature is perceived as good teaching and learning practice by the students

Learning with cases

Its exploratory and story-based nature require students to confront multiple perspectives and pathways associated with a real-world challenge

Students perform critical reflections via readings and dialogue; teacher ac as facilitator

The interactive and exploratory nature is perceived as good teaching and learning practice by the students

External lectures

Students are exposed to stories rooted in various disciplines from different contexts

Students are encourage to engage in dialogue with external lectures; teacher becomes largely passive

External lectures are perceived as good education practice by the students

Group project

Students take responsibility for their own learning by conducting an investigation

Students perform an investigation; teacher, including students, support and facilitate progress of the investigation

Conducting an (empirical) investigation is perceived as good education practice by the students