Argument | Reference |
Behavior Training | |
Pro | |
Forcing themselves to behave differently from how they are feeling. | |
Special Training for behavior is necessary; communicating knowledge is not sufficient; work of teaching. | |
Contra | |
While field experiences are essential, they often encourage replication rather than critical questioning. | |
Experiences and Reflection | |
Pro | |
Reflections on experiences may lead to changes in beliefs. | |
Through exploring their beliefs about teaching, students can be assisted in reflecting critically on the decisions they make and can learn to monitor their own professional development. | |
Little or no professional pedagogical knowledge of value can be learned other than through experience. | |
Contra | |
Reflection with case studies. Case studies find a single such experience as likely to reinforce deficit perspectives about students. | |
“Teachers have typically bridged the knowing-doing gap by having experience and improvising.” Some teachers left to learn through experience to manage their classrooms using harshly punitive methods. | |
Combinations | |
Didactic instruction s about basic concepts, skills, experiences, case studies and simulations. | |
Approximations of practice as a complex interplay of learning and competency, identity work. | |