Oct 2011 to Mar 2012

Apr 2012 to Sep 2012

Oct 2012 to Mar 2013

Apr 2013 to Sep 2013

nve ONI (coiling)

pve ONI (warm)

nve ONI (cooling)

nve ONI (cooling)

pve SOI (cooling)

nve SOI (warm)

pve SOI then nve SOI

(cooling then warm)

pve SOI (cooling)

pve NAOI (stronger winds, high pressure gradient, stronger storms)

nve NAO1 (lighter winds, fewer weaker storms, westerlies)

pve NAOI (stronger winds, high pressure gradient, stronger storms)

pve NAOI (stronger winds, high pressure gradient, stronger storms)

nve QBOI (easterly winds, warm)

nve QBOI (easterly winds, warm)

nve QBOI (easterly winds, warm)

pve QBOI (westerly winds, cooling)

pve AOI (cooling/strong winds)

pve AOI

(cooling/strong winds)

nve A0I (warm/light winds/low pressure)

pve AOI

(cooling/strong winds/High pressure)

CMF+ decrease (cooling)

CMF+ decrease (cooling)

CMF decrease (cooling)

CMF decrease (cooling)