

Sociodemographic and economic characteristics of the producer


Head of household




Production flow constraints


Development project

Awareness, training, information



Technical sheet

Agricultural advisor access

Producer household

Household size


Female household head


Farms Characteristics


Animal traction

Labor force


Number of maize plots

Soil constraints

Food security

Children meals (−5 years old)

Adult meals

Food insecurity





If producer is a man = 1 if producer is a woman = 0

Producer is the head of his household = 1, = 0 otherwise

Age of the producer in the past year

Producer went to school = 1, producer never went to school = 0

If the producer can read and write in at least one of the languages (French, Arabic, national language other languages) = 1, = 0 otherwise

Producer has flow constraints of his production = 1, = 0 otherwise

Producer is a member of an association = 1, = 0 otherwise

Producer benefits from at least one of the development projects (credit, input, access to the market) = 1, = 0 otherwise

Producer has access to information on improved seed varieties = 1, 0 otherwise

Producer has been trained in the use of varieties = 1, 0 otherwise

Producer has an improved maize seed technical data sheet = 1, 0 otherwise

The number of times the producer has received agricultural advice

Number of household members of the producer

Producer receives transfers from one family member = 1, = 0 otherwise

The producer’s head of household is a woman = 0, = 1 otherwise

The producer’s household subscribed to agricultural insurance = 1, 0 otherwise

If the producer has storage means 1 = loft, 2 = inhabited room, 3 = storage warehouse, 4 = other

Producer uses animal traction = 1, 0 otherwise

Number of people working on the farm

The farm is located in the region of Tambacounda or Kolda

The number of maize plots in farm

The farmer’s farm is at least confronted with one of the constraints (silting, steep slope, water stagnation, parasitic plants, water erosion, wind erosion, 7 Grass cover, animal straying) = 1, 0 Otherwise

The number of meals taken per day by children under 5 years in producer household

Number of meals taken per day by adults over 5 years of the producer’s household

If the number of meals taken per day per child and adult varies (1 = down, 0 = up or constant)

The producer’s household members are ill in recent months = 1, = 0 otherwise

Producer’s household member is the victim of death in the last months 1, = 0 otherwise

The producer’ has lost its main production tool in the last months 1, = 0 otherwise