

1-Height of the seedlings (HtPl)

The length between the collar and the apex of the seedling

2-Diameter at the collar of the seedlings (Dcol)

The base thickness of the main stem of the seedling

3-Number of leaves (NbreFe)

The number of leaf organs built or present on the main stem of the seedling

4-Leaf length (LgFe)

The length from the beginning of the petiole to the end of the main vein of the leaf blade of each leaf present on the main stem of the seedling

5-Leaf width (LaFe)

The width of the leaf blade or to the line perpendicular to the main vein in the centre of the leaf blade

6-Length of internodes (LgEntr)

The length connecting two nodes or between two points of successive insertions of organs or leaf scars, from the base to the apex of the seedling