Clinical Practice Questions

Yes (%)

No (%)

Total (%)

Do you think being an ENT Surgeon you are at higher risk of COVID -19 infection in your clinical practice?

102 (100)

0 (0.0)

102 (100)

Do you use telemedicine since onset of COVID-19 pandemic?

62 (60.8)

40 (39.2)

102 (100)

Do you think the ‘in person consultation’ has decreased and patients now prefer telephone consultation, text message or telemedicine?

57 (55.9)

45 (44.1)

102 (100)

Will you subsequently intend to screen your patients for COVID-19 before consultation?

52 (51.0)

50 (49.0)

102 (100)

Do you intend to screen your patient for COVID-19 before surgery?

83 (81.4)

19 (18.6)

102 (100)

Post-COVID-19 will you still see all patients as the Pre-COVID era?

44 (43.1)

58 (56.9)

102 (100)