Category |
| Input |
ID | Name | Percentage | kg Hg/year |
FC | Fuel consumption | 1.37 | 98.00 |
FP | Fuel production | 2.91 | 208.00 |
GM | Gold mining with mercury amalgamation | 0.01 | 1.00 |
HVM | Other high volume materials production with mercury content | 6.03 | 431.00 |
PP | Production of products with mercury content | 1.23 | 88.00 |
WI | Waste incineration | 38.48 | 2750.00 |
WD | Waste deposition/landfilling | 4.70 | 336.00 |
USP | Use and disposal of products with mercury content | 9.49 | 678.00 |
T | Thermometers | 6.55 | 468.00 |
ES | Electrical switches and relays with mercury | 8.56 | 633.00 |
LS | Light sources with mercury | 1.09 | 78.00 |
B | Batteries with mercury | 0.88 | 63.00 |
PMC | Polyurethane produced with mercury catalyst | 1.90 | 136.00 |
MDPG | Medical blood pressure gauges (mercury sphygmomanometers) | 12.37 | 884.00 |
MG | Other manometers and gauges with mercury | 0.32 | 23.00 |
LC | Laboratory chemicals | 0.63 | 45.00 |
LCME | Other laboratory and medical equipment with mercury | 2.53 | 181.00 |
Cia | Crematoria | 0.63 | 45.10 |
Cies | cemeteries | 0.01 | 1.00 |
Total |
| 100 | 71,174.00 |