




Cultural Heritage Risk Index (CHRI).

Hazards, exposure and vulnerability.

Developed to assess resilience of cultural heritage in Newcastle while employing objective methods. The index showed that cultural assets were exposed to moderate risks and a need for interventions to enhance resilience.


City Resilience Index (CRI).

Health and wellbeing, economy and society, infrastructure and ecosystem, leadership and strategy.

Developed to assess the strength and weaknesses in city resilience. It proposes the use of objective and subjective methods.


Climate Disaster Resilience Index (CDRI).

Economic, institutional, natural, physical and social.

Developed and tested in Chennai city while employing subjective data collected at the zonal level. The authors indicate that better results would have been got if the assessment was conducted at household level.The study reported low resilience in old city areas andhigh resilience in new city areas thus important for planners.


Integrated Urban Resilience Index (IURI).

Social, human and physical.

It employed objective and subjective methods to measure quality of life, people’s happiness and environmental sustainability before and after a disaster. Resilience qualities such as robustness, redundancy, efficiency and durability were observed.