I. Good Personal Qualities (15)

II. Sacrifice for the Village (7)

III. a. Loyalty to Party and Country (6)

III. b. Good Implementer (6)

III. c. Knowledge (6)

IV. Ability and Cleverness (5)

V. a. Responsible for Solving Village Problems (4)

V. b. Gets Villagers to be Responsible and Work Hard (4)

V. c. Good Decision Maker (4)

V. d. Listens to and Understands Villagers (4)

VI. a. Has Ideas About How To Develop The Village (3)

VI. b. Gets the Villagers to Work Together (3)

VI. c. Open minded (3)

VI. d. Good Communicator (3)

VI. e. Trusted and Respected by Villagers (3)

VII. Protects Common Property (2)