


Values interpretation


Interviewee diversity

value (ID)

ID = −Σ[(nis/ris) log2 (nis/ris)]

nis = number of uses-citations by interviewee i; ris: total number of uses-citations by interviewees

Measures how many interviewees used a given species and how its uses are distributed among the interviewees

0 < ID < log2 (n) (n = number of interviewees).



equitability value (IE)

IE = ID/IDmax;

ID = Interviewee diversity


IDmax = log2(n); n = total number of interviewees)

Measures the degree of homogeneity of the

interviewee’s knowledge

0 < IE < 1;

IE < 0.5,

Heterogeneous knowledge; IE ≥ 0.5 Homogeneous knowledge.


Use diversity value (UD)

UD = −ΣPc*log2(Pc)

Pc = tux/p

tux: number of indications recorded by category; p: total number of indications for all categories.

Measures the importance of the use categories and how they contribute to the total value of uses

0 < UDs ≤ log2 (p);

p = total number of indications recorded on the species


Use equitability

value (UE)

UE = UD/UDmax

UD = Use diversity value;

UDmax: Use diversity value maximal. IDmax = log2(p); p = total number of indications)

Measures the degree of homogeneity of knowledge

about use categories

0 < UE < 1;

UE < 0.5, Heterogeneous knowledge; UE ≥ 0.5, Homogeneous knowledge.
