Sociodemographics | Age: 21 y/o Gender: Female Onset: SC use 12 hours before admission Previous SC Use: Patient denies |
Clinical Presentation | Temperature: 98.5 Fahrenheit Blood Pressure: 91/55 mm Hg Heart Rate: 99 beats per minute SpO2: 40% - 60% after rapid sequence intubation Respiratory Rate: 28 respirations per minute Blood Gas: pO2 60 mmHg, pCO2 52.6 mmHg pH: 7.21 Lactate: 3.8 mmol/L Procal: 0.43 ug/L Sed rate: 23 mm/hr Influenza: Negative BUN: 13 mg/dL Creatinine: 0.74 mg/dL Glucose: 136 mg/dL CO2: 24 mm Hg Chloride: 104 mEq/L Potassium: 3.8 mEq/L Sodium: 139 mEq/L Leukocyte Count: 23,000 × 109/L Base Deficit: 7 Echocardiogram: Negative Clinical Observations: Acute respiratory distress with frothy pink sputum arising from airway during intubation |
ECMO and Ventilation Settings | Initial Ventilation Settings (prior to ECMO): FiO2: 100% PEEP: 20 Respiratory Rate: 14 breaths per minute Tidal Volume: 400 ml SpO2: Never exceeded 60% Ventilation Settings (on ECMO): FiO2: 40% PEEP: 5 cm H2O Respiratory Rate: 8 breaths per minute Tidal Volume: 400 ml ECMO Settings: 31 French Avalon veno-venous catheter Rate: 4.56 L/min FiO2: 100% Sweep: 3.5 L/min Mixed Venous: 77.1% Activated Clotting Time (ACT): Above 200 Duration: 7 days |
Time to Clearance of Images | 15 days from admission to final CT Chest (Figure 2 & Figure 3) |
Complications | None, patient made an uneventful recovery |