

Goal of the study

Type of study




Weinrich, S, & Weinrich, M.


Evaluate the effect of therapeutic massage in the levels of pain


Visual Analogue Scale (EVA).

28 cancer patients

-Decrease of immediate pain levels in males and only in the experimental group

Ferrell-Torry, A., & Glick, O.


Evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic massage in pain, anxiety, vital signs and relaxation


analogue for pain;

-Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory; -TA, FC, FR

9 cancer patients

-Reduction of pain in 60% and anxiety X = 24;

-Reduction of vital signs, indicating its relaxing action

Ahles, T., Tope, D., Pinkson, B., Walch, S., Hann, D., Whedon, M.


Analyze the impact of therapeutic massage in psychological, physical and Psychophysiological measures


State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Brief Profile of Mood States (POMS)

34 patients awaiting bone marrow transplant

It Had immediate effect on stress reduction, nausea and anxiety

No significant difference of these variables in the long run

Wilkie, D., Kampbell, J., Cutshall, S., Halabisky, H., Harmon, H., Johnson, L., et al.


Evaluate the effect of therapeutic massage in the levels of pain

Random study


29 cancer patients

-Decrease in pain intensity at 42% in the experimental group and 25% for the control group

Grealish, L., Lomasney, A., & Whiteman, B.


Analyze the impact of massage therapy in pain, nausea and relaxation



87 cancer patients

-Immediate Reduction of pain, nausea and relaxation

Toth, M., Kahn, J., Walton, T., Hrbek, A., Eisenberg, D., & Russell, P.


Evaluate the effect of massage therapy in pain and anxiety

Pilot study

Pain, anxiety (VAS) and quality of life (QOL)

26 cancer patients with metastases

-Decreased pain of 5.50 to 3.83

-Increasing the anxiety of 3.83 to 4.75

Post-White, J., Kinney, M. E., Savik, K., Gau, J. B., Wilcox, C., & Lerner, I.


Determine whether the therapeutic massage and touch are more effective

than the standard treatment in reducing

symptoms of anxiety, mood disorders, pain, nausea and fatigue and increasing relaxation and satisfaction


BPI (Brief Pain Index); BNI (Brief Nausea Index); POMS (Profile of Mood States)

164 patients

-Reduced levels of anxiety, pain with decreased use of pain relievers, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing

Soden, K., Vincent, K., & Craske, S.


Evaluate the effectiveness of the massage to decrease pain, anxiety, depression, sleep pattern and improve the quality of life


EVA, Verran and Snyder-Halpern (VSH) (scale of sleep), hospital anxiety and depression scale (HAD) and the list of Symptoms Rotterdam (RSCL).

42 cancer patients

No significant differences in terms of improvement in pain management, anxiety or quality of life.

-Improved sleeping patterns

-Reduction of depression in the massage group

Hernandez-Reif, M., Ironson, G., Field, T., Hurley, J., Katz, G., & Diego, M.


Evaluate the effect of massage therapy in anxiety, mood swings and depression.


State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI); Profile of Mood States (POMS); symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R)

34 women with breast cancer

-Minimization in anxiety, depressed mood and anger in the short term;

-Minimization, long-term, depression