Referring diagnosis | Number of patients | Comment/remark |
Breast cancer (BC) (without other specification) | 26 | |
Bilateral BC | 6 | |
Inoperative/exulcerated BC | 7 | |
Inflammatory BC | 1 | |
BC with enlarged axillary nodes | 18 | |
BC with enlarged neck nodes | 2 | |
BC with enlarged supraclavicular nodes | 2 | |
BC with distant metastases | 2 | |
BC with infiltration of pleura | 1 | |
Fibroadenoma | 1 | Palpatory suspect, enlarging |
Mastopathia | 1 | Palpatory suspect, atypical ductal hyperplasia detected by cytology |
Total number of diagnoses | 67 | Some patients were assigned with more than one referring diagnose |