Mammals reported in eastern Marajó Island | Folk information on mammal occurrence in Jaranduba, Dunas and Ribanceira Farms, eastern Marajó Island |
Dasypus septemcinctus | Smaller than the other, walk along the night |
Dasypus kappleri | Possibly known as “tatu-bola”. Larger than the other |
Myrmecophaga tridactyla | I saw one passing by my house (Retiro São Geraldo, Ribanceira) |
Tamandua tetradactyla | They can be found in the “tesos” |
Alouatta belzebul | They are very noisy |
Aotus infulatus | Certain time I shot one thinking it was something else |
Sapajus apella | It is rare here (Retiro São Geraldo, Ribanceira) |
Saimiri collinsi | They are very common |
Cerdocyon thous | It is like a fox, very smart, nocturnal |
Nasua nasua | Like to live in the “teso”. Quati-mundé is the old male, solitary |
Procyon cancrivorus | Live usually close to the water |
Lontra longicaudis | Occurs in the igarapé do Siriri, Jaranduba Farm |
Pteronura brasiliensis | I have seen one far away, on the way to Dunas Farm (Jaranduba) |
Leopardus pardalis | It attacks and kills the chickens |
Panthera onca | It is rare around here |
Mazama americana | Once they were very abundant |
Ozotoceros bezoarticus | Occurs in the fields during high waters, has a white tail |
Proechimys sp. | Lives in trees: “dá trepado”. Fur is very red: “pelagem bem vermelha” |
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | Lives only in the fields (Retiro Caju, Jaranduba). I take care of one newborn that was abandoned by its mother (Retiro São Geraldo, Ribanceira) |
Dasyprocta leporina | It is very yellowish in color |