Assessment of plaque morphology

Lipid plaque/fibrous plaque/fibro-calcific plaque/calcific plaque/luminal masses—red thrombus VS white thrombus

Plaque modification devices

NC balloons/high pressure OPN NC balloon/Scoring balloons/ROTA/OA/IVL/ELCA

For assessment of effectiveness of plaque modification

Evidence of fractures/dissections on OCT/HD-IVUS

Device selection

Device length & Diameter

For optimization of DES

Medial edge dissection/IMH/EMH/ expansion/apposition/tissue prolapse/LSD/geographical miss

CTO lesions

Location of GW—intimal VS sub-intimal/IVUS guided antegrade puncture

LM lesions

Assessment of severity of LM by MLA, and decision about PCI strategy—single VS two-stent technique

Assessment of optimization of LM bifurcation result—expansion areas of LM, LM confluence, LAD & LCX

Bifurcation lesions

Assessment of MLA, plaque burden & extent of plaque length of MV/MB/SB

CT angle/BP-CT length (spiky carina, eye-brow sign)