Performance level

Calculation method and limits

Limited damage limit condition (LD)

1) Linear calculation method used;

a) Calculated strengths subjected to vertical loads and undamped projected earthquakes not exceeded.

b) The sidesway ratio under undamped earthquake loading does not exceed the 0.3% limit.

Controlled damage limit condition (CD)

1) Linear calculation method used;

a) Calculated strengths subjected to vertical loads and projected earthquakes damped by Ra ≤ 3 not exceeded.

b) The sidesway ratio under undamped earthquake loading does not exceed the 0.7% limit.

2) Nonlinear calculation method used;

a) The sidesway ratio does not exceed the 0.7% limit.

b) The deformation capacities of the materials not exceeded.

Pre-collapse limit condition (PC)

1) Linear calculation method used;

a) Calculated strengths subjected to vertical loads and projected earthquakes damped by Ra ≤ 3 may be exceed to some extent (~1.5 times).

b) The sidesway ratio under undamped earthquake loading does not exceed the 1% limit.

2) Nonlinear calculation method used;

a) The sidesway ratio does not exceed the 1% limit.

b) The deformation capacities of the materials may be exceeded by a limited amount (~1.2 times).