Detail of Wall


Fire resistance rating (hour)

Thickness: 95 mm

Weight: 49 kg/m2

Thickness: 124 mm

Weight: 25 kg/m2

3/4 h

Steel studs.

1 h

Thickness: 127 mm

Weight: 49 kg/m2

Two layers, each side of 64 mm steel studs. Certain Teed’s Sustainable Insulation 64 mm within cavity.

2 h

Thickness: 118 mm

Weight: 58 kg/m2

Thickness: 143 mm

Weight: 77 kg/m2

Three layers, each side of 41 mm steel studs.

3 h

Four layers, each side of 41 mm steel studs.

4 h

Thickness: 114 mm

Weight: 27 kg/m2

Thickness: 121 mm

Weight: 31 kg/m2

One layer, each side of 38 mm × 89 mm (2 × 4) wood studs.

3/4 h

1 h

Thickness: 165 mm

Weight: 56 kg/m2

Two layers, 1 side 38 mm × 89 mm (2 × 4) wood studs. Other side, 2 layers on resilient channels. Certain Teed’s Sustainable Insulation 89 mm within cavity.

1.5 h

Thickness: 152 mm

Weight: 54 kg/m2

Two layers, each side of 38 mm × 89 mm (2 × 4) wood studs.

2 h