Layers model Description



Layer 1

Image Input Layer

define input image sizes 512 × 512

Layer 2

Transposed CNN

define filters size, number of filters, bias, strides for upsampling of image features to maintain the exact image information till the end of output images without any loss

Layer 3

Dropout Layer

Defines probability of dropping nodes to prevent overfitting

Layer 4

Batch Normalization Layer

Define mean and variance scale to make fast and stable analysis between layers

Layer 5

Flatten Layer

Helps neural network to learn more complex patterns and help te network for better prediction.

Layer 6

Gru Layer

Defines activation function and number of hidden units to check dependence between different time series data.

Layer 7

Fully Connected Layer

Define output size with the help of connection between every neurons of one layer to other layers to provide flexibility.

Layer 8

Softmax layer

Helps to convert scale of vector numbers into scale of vector probabilities for prediction

Layer 9

Classification Layer

To computer loss and accuracy using probability of above layer for analysis