[N]ot simply following America’s coat tails [56]

A regional alliance must include some people with whom we have been enemies [61]

[P]resident Obama has said, defeating ISIL cannot be achieved by military means alone [63] [88]

With our experience, our skill and our collective

memory, we need to explain more clearly that

what is needed in this turmoil of the Middle

East is not military intervention or an assertion

of American military leadership … but an

America that is a partner with the rising powers

of the region [64]

[I]t is not for us or for the Americans to determine what sort of regime they have if there is a change in Syria [66]

[I]t is more like eight to one or even 10 to one

against the notion of unilateral intervention―

by “unilateral”, I refer of course to America and

France as well [81]

The French, the Americans and our Gulf allies [93]


[T]the UN can yet bring about a process that leads to an end to the violence [2]

[W]e now have the opportunity to work with the UN, the Russians, the Americans, the French and

others [3]

We belong to NATO … the European Union … the Commonwealth [4]

[O]ur membership of NATO … with America and our centrality in the European firmament [13]

[O]ur allies in NATO, Europe, America, and the

United Nations [14]

[O]ur partners in NATO, our friends in America and many countries around the world [41]

(The UK): [U]sing its influence in the United

Nations to pursue peace through diplomacy

rather than gearing up for airstrikes? [45]

[W]e have to involve the United Nations, the USAand even Arab nations [49]

[R]eplacing Theodore Rooseveltian imperialism

with modern international self-restraint and a

devotion to the genuine wishes of the whole UN


[W]e have done the US a favour over Syria [72]

[I] organised a special meeting with the UN

Secretary General, the EU, Japan, Turkey,

Canada, France, Australia, Italy, Saudi Arabia

Many of our allies and partners, particularly

Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, and the United

Kingdom [35]

[A]ll of your Gulf states, Turkey, and then European states―Germany, Italy, France, Britain, and the United States together [36]

[T]he UK, France, others in the region―will engage [37]

[K]ey allies, such as Australia, Canada, France and the United Kingdom are already contributing military support [39]

That [resolution in Syria]’s not just true for Great

Britain. That’s not just true for countries like

Jordan and Turkey that border Syria, but that’s

also true for Russia [42]

[T]he French and the British were key partners in thateffort (helping the US in Syria), as were othernations [43]

And we are working with the French and the British and other allies and partners to gather more evidence (for the use of chemical weapons in Syria) [44]

And we continue to work with the French and the British and others, and the Syrian opposition to do That (get information about the use of chemical weapons in Syria) [45]


[T]he United States counts on strong U.K.

leadershipin NATO, the G7, the UN Security

Council, the counter-Daesh coalition [6]

Even as European countries make important contributions against ISIL, Europe, including NATO, can still do more [8]