
Koizumi et al. (2019)

51 Japanese ID (18 ASD - 18 DS - 15 ID without ASD and DS)/78

TDC [3 - 6 years]

Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised Japanese Test for Comprehension of Syntax and

Semantics (J.COSS; Nakagawa et al. 2010)

A syntax production test used by Saito (2002, 2003).

Tanaka-Binet Intelligence Scale

Development of syntax in children with ID significantly delayed than in TDC of the same MA (by 1 - 3 years), and a temporal plateau appears from an MA of 5 to 6 years, during which the development of syntax comprehension is halted.

Children with ID with MA of 7 - 9 years old: comprehension of basic grammar forms.

DS: significant delay in syntactic development (conjunction particles, particle strategies, sentence structures).

Syntax production abilities of ID children: lower than expected based on their MA and considerably delayed than comprehension abilities.

MA of 7 - 8 years for ID children for development of syntax production and comprehension abilities.

Most errors in the transformation of the passive + causative voice to the active voice.

DS children: more difficulties in comprehending morphologically and syntactically complex aspects than other impaired children.


Laws & Bishop (2003)

16 English DS (CA: 10 - 19 years)/17 SLI (CA: 4 - 7 years)/18 TDC (CA: 4 - 7 years)


Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matric


K-ABC (Expressive Vocabulary Subtest)

CELF-R (Recalling Sentences Subtest)

MLU from narratives

2 subtests of Rice/Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Development


Word Repetition

Grammar understanding (TROG) was equally impaired in both groups, but receptive vocabulary (BPVS-II) was more problematic for the children with SLI than for the DS group.

SLI+DS: have language skills that significantly lag behind nonverbal mental level. Both groups were impaired on tests of grammatical morphology and phonological memory.

Both groups present similarities: vocabulary was an area of relative strength, whereas syntax was poor. Expressive language was more severely affected than receptive. Deficits in production of grammatical markers of verb tense. Poor performance on tests of word and nonword repetition.

DS: did not differ from MA-matched controls in receptive and expressive vocabulary and in production of irregular past tense morphemes. They tended to use the wrong verb ending in elicited responses. From MLU of 4.5 or more the number of regular and irregular past tense forms produced correctly did not significantly differ from controls.


Loveall et al. (2019)

35 American DS (CA: 11 - 21 years)/27 with ID (CA: 13 - 20 years)/29 TDC (CA: 4 - 6 years)

Narrative story generation task

DS: narratives with less verb density than participants with TD and smaller verb type-token ratios than participants with intellectual disability.

Although individuals with DS may have a large number of verbs in their vocabularies, they did not use them although the mean productivity of multiword utterances increased over the three time points (36, 42 and 48 months).

Different growth patterns of early syntactic development could be identified.

Significant relationships between early syntactic skills and both the child’s vocabulary size and developmental age.

The number of functions expressed by word combinations appeared to be related to both the vocabulary size and developmental age for all three levels of CA.