
Minimise personal effects in the workplace. All personal items should be removed before entering clinical areas and donning PPE. This includes earrings, watches, lanyards, mobile phones, pagers, pens, etc.

Stethoscope use should be minimised. If required, use dedicated stethoscopes within isolation areas.

Hair should be tied back out of the face and eyes.


Staff caring for infectious patients must apply correct PPE, irrespective of physical isolation. For example, in ICU, if patients are cohorted into a Pod with open rooms, staff working within the confines of the ICU Pod but not directly involved in patient care should also wear PPE. The same applies once infectious patients are nursed on an open ward. Staff then use plastic aprons, a change of gloves and hand hygiene when moving between patients in open areas.


When a unit is caring for a patient with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, it is recommended that all donning and doffing are supervised by an additional appropriately trained staff member.


Avoid sharing equipment. Preferably only use single-use equipment.


Wear an additional plastic apron if high volume of fluid exposure is expected.


If reusable PPE items are used (eg, goggles), these must be cleaned and disinfected prior to re-use.