


7 academic hours per lecture day


Day 1

1. Introduction to Healthcare Generation

2. Lecture Overview and Expectations

3. Technology Overview

4. Egypt Healthcare Analysis

5. Introduction to Design Thinking and Lean Entrepreneurship

- Game: What is Innovation?

- SWOT Analysis of the Egypt Healthcare System

- Opportunities and Challenges

Participant Introduction Sheet prior to Lecture.

Individual Assignment: Come up with 5 “unmet clinical needs” in a selected medical speciality (e.g. cardiology, radiology, surgery, …)

Day 2

1. Assignment Discussion “Unmet Clinical Need”

2. Value Proposition Canvas

3. Business Model Canvas

4. Innovation Theory

- Business Model Canvas Exercises

- Prototyping and Minimal Viable Product Exercise

Group Assignment:

Complete Business Canvas on one of the selected ideas. Identify customer and create a Value Proposition Canvas for each customer.



Day 3

1. Discuss first Group Assignment-group presentations

2. Introduction to Innovation problems and barriers

3. Lean process development

4. Entrepreneurial issues

5. Conceptual Blockbusting

6. Types of Innovation Presentation

- Canvas Exercises

- several games and exercises on Conceptual Blockbusting

- “Types of Innovation” game

Group Assignment:

Refine the Business canvas. Identify 3 - 5 Key Opinion Leaders in each customer segment and conduct interviews. Record the changes and update the Canvas. Create a short presentation and Promotype (e.g. Cartoon) and an Elevator Pitch description.




Day 1

1. Presentation and discussion of group assignments

2. Lecture on Intellectual Property and Patents

3. Introduction to Innovation Financing

4. Blue Ocean Strategy

- Lean Startup exercise and game

- Exercise and game to Blue Ocean Strategy directly applied to the group assignment

Group Assignment:

Prepare a onepage statement on Innovation Segments of the groups product/service idea. Compare your product/service with the competition. Prepare a Blue Ocean strategy

Day 2

1. Presentation and discussion of the group assignments

2. Introduction to Innovation Games

3. Leadership Issues

4. Wrap-Up and Summary

- Teambuilding Exercise

- Two Innovation Games

- Canvas-game with “Constraints”

FINAL Group Assignment:

- 10 Page documentation of product/service

- Presentation file for 12 Minutes

- Marketing/Product pitch



Day 3

1. The “9” most important slides of the lecture

2. Presentation of the FINAL Group Assignment

3. Discussion on viability and realization potential

- Written Test (60 Minutes)

- Presentation of results