

Example codes

Changes in perspective or approach

Worrying alone and dwelling

It is easy to dwell on it all alone, and about a year and a half ago, I developed insomnia and depression for which I now take medicine. (e)

Questioning perspective or way of thinking

From raising them, I have begun feeling like it is not necessary for kids to do things all together, like singing and sports day. (g)

Changing perspective or way of thinking

One time I stopped everything, stopped saying, “they cannot do that,” and I found they could do certain things really well, like their amazing memory, and they often really surprise me. (j)

Creating distance with the child with ASD

Their primary care doctor told me that it is much better for them to be around other kids than with parents all the time, so I decided to send them to daycare. (f)

The child is irreplaceable

Certainly it is a lot of work, but I would be lonely without them, and they are definitely irreplaceable. (i)

Reflecting on themselves

I think I was always trying to make them more normal. (h)

Feeling it is difficult to keep living

When I got the diagnosis, I felt it was too hard to continue living in this family and that maybe I would be better off dead, but their older sister was also there, so I realized I could not die. (g)

Husband does not understand

They see things totally differently, and sometimes I am a little shocked when they do not understand what I am feeling at all. (b)

Someone present who does not understand

Their grandparents discriminate against disabilities (have a discriminatory attitude) and do not really accept it, so I do not talk about my son to them. (f)

Receiving help from people around them

Some things they could not do alone

We can generally work to create a daily routine at home, but we cannot do some things alone. (i)

Getting help from people around them

We were out, and I took them to a corner to wait for them to calm down, and an older person said to me, “You can do it.” I felt like (what I was doing) was right. (c)

Getting help from their parents

About parenting, I get better advice when I ask my parents than when I ask my husband. I talk to my mother more often than my father. (i)

Talking to others

Sometimes I feel better when I talk to my older sister. (g)

Getting help from their husband

The one who helps me is my husband, I think. For parenting too, he loves kids and plays with them quite a bit. (g)