

Example codes

Assessing characteristics, growth, and changes of the child with ASD

Assessing child’s growth and changes

Their range of interest expanded, and it feels a little easier to play with them. (b)

Comparing with other children

Compared to their sisters, they were slower to respond to language. I think it was their understanding of language rather than the production of it that was delayed. (d)

Assessing child’s characteristics

There are problems, like how they become fixated on things; thus, they have considerable trouble sharing their toys and sometimes shoves others. Things like that. (b)

Preoccupation with parenting children with ASD

Struggling desperately with parenting

I feel like it is my job to teach my children to become independent and take care of themselves. I am really struggling to do this. (e)

Parenting techniques that do not work well

It really hurts, is really hard, when they do things like cover their ears. (b)

Parenting techniques that work well

They will try a little bite of the coating on fried chicken, for example. Now they will try eating things they choose themselves. (h)

Getting angry with the child

I know that it is good to praise them when they do even a single thing right, but I feel conflicted. I compare them to other kids, and I get sad and become angry at them. (b)

Doubting the disorder

It was when they were 3. They could not say even a single word and played differently from other kids, so I looked it up online and thought they probably have ASD. (j)

Using trial and error in parenting

I’ll say, “it is the rule,” and sometimes, maybe once in a hundred times, they’ll follow the rules easily, but they just will not do it every time. (k)

Parenting strain

I feel like I have failed at things like communicating with the daycare and I have to accept it. (d)

Concern and empathy for the child’s siblings

Effects on siblings

I am so busy with my older child that I have no time to take care of their 4-year old younger brother. (e)

Concern and empathy for the child’s siblings

It is nice when they help out, but I do not want it to be a burden on them. (c) They stay calm when their brother steals their toys. (b)

Getting help from siblings

They will take care of them, for example, waiting for them. (c)

Thinking about the future of the child with ASD

Worry about entering school

There are several things, like whether to put them in a special needs class or a regular class. In daycare, I can talk to the teacher when I pick them up and hear how they are doing, but I cannot do that in elementary school, and I worry about that. (d)

Anxiety about the child’s growth and development

I hope that as they grow, their developmental age gradually comes closer to their actual age. (a)

Having goals and plans for parenting

Respecting the child’s feelings

I really want to prioritize self-esteem, but I cannot seem to do it well. (g)

Setting role for interaction

I get angry at them when they do something bad, but I have a rule that only I am allowed to get angry. I told my husband that they are never allowed to get angry at them. (f)

Teaching daily living skills

As long as they have life skills, such as going to the bathroom and eating by themselves, studying is secondary. (h)