I feel respected by physicians in my work setting. The nurses’ lounge/break area/locker room in my setting is comfortable.

I have access to degree completion programs through my work setting.

I receive support to attend in-services and continuing education programs.

I communicate well with the physicians in my work setting.

I am recognized for my accomplishments by my nurse manager/supervisor.

Nursing policies and procedures facilitate my work.

I feel the security department provides a secure environment.

I feel safe from personal harm (physical, emotional, or verbal) at work.

I feel that upper-level management has respect for nursing.

Work World Dimension

I believe that, in general, society has the correct image of nurses.

My salary is adequate for my job given the current job market conditions.

I would be able to find the same job in another organization with about the same salary and benefits. I feel my job is secure.

I believe my work impacts the lives of patients/families.