
2013 AWWA Survey (n = 96)

2014 SCWC Survey (n = 26)

Research Communication Needs

Improve accessibility of information

No parts of MPB research on water resources need to be communicated more effectively.

MPB effects on drinking water quality

MPB effects on drinking water quality and quantity

Improve accessibility of information

Correlation between forest watershed health and drinking water resources

Identified Challenges

Addressing water quality effects of MPB

Increased fire danger and the resulting effects on water quality and quantity

Changes to water quantity as a result of MPB

Issues associated with increased water quantity

Addressing water quality effects of MPB

Understanding linkage between forest watershed health to hydrologic change and drinking water

Drinking Water Safety

Drinking water has not deteriorated or become unsafe

Unsure or do not know

Yes—Deteriorated water quality; degraded enough to cause treatment issues (increasing chemical usage and cost) but not health or safety issues

Drinking water has not deteriorated or become unsafe

Yes—Deteriorated water quality

Unsure or do not know

Public Outreach

The effects of MPB on drinking water quantity and quality

Connection between forest health and drinking water

General information on the MPB biology and status

The effects of MPB on drinking water quantity and quality

Methods to mitigate MPB effects to drinking water

General information on the MPB biology and status