Pinus pinea (stone pine) | Seedling stands/ evenaged, unevenaged stands/intense fellings with standards (seed trees), crown closure 0.3 - 0.4, rotation period 80 - 100 years | round wood (sawn timber), fuelwood, pine nuts, wood/resin extracts | soil protection, wild life, biodiversity conservation, landscape enhancement | wild fires, overgrazing, llegal cuttings, climate change | Fire prevention, remove surplus biomass, control grazing, in situ conservation (natural/ naturalised populations), biodiversity conservation (understory woody species, aromatic/medicinal herbs), | enhance mixture with broadleaves (e.g. Quercus pubescens, Q. ilex, Fraxinus ornus) |
COMMON CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) | Seedling stands (natural regeneration in native stands) (rotation period 60 - 100 years) | round wood (sawn timber), power poles, boat construction | soil protection, landscape improvement, wind protection, cultural value | overgrazing, bark beetles, bark canker (Seiridium spp.), climate change | wild fire preventive actions, control grazing, in situ conservation (e.g. natural populations in islands), maintain viable population sizes in isolated/remnant populations | in situ conservation (e.g. natural populations in islands), maintain viable population sizes in isolated/ remnant populations, maintain intra- and inter-popul. genetic diversity |
JUNIPER (Juniperus spp.) | Seedling stands, most stands out of management | fencing poles, berries for liqueur production | soil protection, wild life conservation, biodiversity enhancement, landscape enhancement | grazing, illegal cuttings, crown pathogens (e.g. Phomopsis spp.) climate change | control grazing, in situ conservation (inter/intra population diversity, threatened populations) to face climate change | in situ conservation (interpopulation diversity, threatened species/populations) |
BEECH (Fagus sylvatica cluster species -Fagus sylvatica subsp. sylvatica, F. sylvatica subsp. orientalis) | Seedling stands, coppice stands, coppice converted to seedling stands/ evenaged, uneven aged, irregular stands/ shelterwood regeneration (in large reg. area or small groups) (rotation period 80 - 130 years | round wood (sawn timber), fuel wood, industrial wood, energy wood, | soil protection, water balance, wild life, biodiversity | overgrazing, roor-rot fungi, illegal cuttings, climate change | control grazing, in situ conservation (the south limit of beech distribution in the Balkans, inter/intra-population diversity), maintain viable population sizes in isolated/remnant populations, enhance mixture (e.g. oak, fir, pine) | maintain most of genetic diversity, maintain viable population sizes in isolated/remnant populations, enhance mixture (e.g. oak, fir, pine) |
BIRCH (Betula pendula) | Seedling stands/ evenaged, unevenaged stands/shelterwood in large areas, rotation period 60 - 100 years | round wood (sawn timber), plywood, fuelwood, | soil protection, wild life, biodiversity conservation, landscape enhancement | roor-rot fungi, illegal cuttings, climate change | in situ conservation (the south limit of birch distribution in the Balkans), maintain viable population sizes in isolated/remnant populations, enhance mixture (e.g. scots pine) to face climate change | maintain viable population sizes in isolated/remnant populations, enhance mixture (e.g. scots pine) to face climate change |
CHESTNUT (Castanea vera) | Coppice stands, Coppice stands converted to high forest (rotation period 15 - 60 years) | round wood (sawn timber), poles, fuelwood, nuts, | soil protection, water balance, wild life, biodiverity enhancement | Phytophthora spp. and Cryptonectria parasitica attacks, roor-rot fungi, illegal cuttings, climate change | control grazing, in situ conservation (inter/intra population diversity), maintain viable population sizes in remnant populations, conserve ofold grown stands and trees, enhance mixture (e.g. oak) to face climate change | control grazing, in situ conservation (inter/intra- population diversity), maintain viable population sizes in remnant populations, enhance mixture (e.g. oak) to face climate change |