
Rate of eating actions (Eat 1 & 2) for the individuals of each species *

Abundance of

different food types (1 & 2) **


Species group


If the rate of Eat 1 is

significantly greater than the rate of Eat 2

While the abundance of Food 2 is higher than Food 1

Despite the high availability of Food 2,

individuals of this species show a greater preference for Food 1 consumption rather than Food 2

Then this species is

categorized as group 1


If the rate of Eat 2 is significantly greater than the rate of Eat 1

While the abundance of Food 1 is higher than Food 2

Despite the high availability of Food 1,

individuals of this species show a greater preference for Food 2 consumption rather than Food 1

Then this species is

categorized as group 2


If the rate of Eat 1 and Eat 2 are almost equal

While the abundance of Food 2 is much greater than Food 1

Although the abundance of Food 1 is

significantly lower than Food 2, individuals still consume this food resource (Food 1) at the same rate of the consumption of more available food resource (Food 2). This means that this species expresses increased

preference for Food 1

Then this species is

categorized as group 1


If the rate of Eat 1 and Eat 2 are almost equal

While the abundance of Food 1 is much greater than Food 2

Although the abundance of Food 2 is

significantly lower than Food 1, individuals still consume this food resource (Food 2) at the same rate as the consumption of more available food resource (Food 1). This means that this species expresses increased

preference for Food 2

Then this species is

ategorized as group 2


The species that were not assigned to any group based on the four previous rules were assumed to not be specialized on any specific resource (not showing any preferential behavior)

Then this species is

categorized as group 3