Environmental component


Description of the aspects to evaluate


Geology and Geomorphology

Types of rocks. Geotechnical characteristics and mineral deposits. Relief, contour and slope analysis.


Characterization of soils. Potential uses.

Seismic conditions

Seismic-tectonic survey, seismic hazards in the region. Construction alternatives for the project.

Air quality

Possible emissions caused by the project. Health protection areas. Continuous and occasional (peak) noise levels. Emissions of particulates and greenhouse gases.


Microclimate, air quality and the influence of the project.

Temperature, winds, humidity, precipitation, sun exposure, evapotranspiration.

Fresh water

Availability, management and quality of public water supply services. Sources of supply. Surface and underground water and their quality. Natural and artificial drainage systems. Sources of contamination.

Salt water

Quality of coastal and marine waters. Currents, tides and sources of contamination.


Vegetation and flora

Land-based, aquatic and marine plant types and formations. Endemic species, species in danger of extinction. Fragile or highly vulnerable ecosystems. Forests. Urban green areas.

Animal life (fauna)

Status and distribution of land, aquatic and marine animal life. Endemic species and endangered species. Habitat, ecosystems, migration patterns. Fisheries and wildlife.

Ecological relationships

Management of protected areas and areas of high environmental sensitivity. Relationships: climate-vegetation-soil; climate-topography-vegetation.

Socio?cultural context

Human settlements and social actors

Populated settlements and key social stakeholders. Social behaviors and poverty. Total resident and occasional population, by ages and sex. Labor force. Education and health.

Cultural heritage and recreation.

Historical and cultural traditions. Tangible and intangible heritage of a historical and archeological value, monuments and architectural works. Recreation.

Economic?operational environment

Economic relations

Types of property and ownership patterns by sectors. Average incomes and livelihoods.


Basic services available to the community and the quality of those services. Infrastructure.