

Initial leaf N (%)

Leaf start TDD

AmaxA (μmol g−1 s−1)

Wood start TDD


Leaf end TDD

Optimum photosynthetic temperature (˚C)

Wood end TDD

Minimum photosynthetic temperature (˚C)

Leaf N re: translocation


Senescence start day

Growth respiration fraction

Leaf C/N

Dark respiration fraction

Wood C/N

Wood maintenance respiration fraction

Leaf retention years

Root maintenance respiration fraction

C reserve fraction

Light half saturation constant

C fraction of dry matter

Respiration Q10

Specific leaf weight (g m−2)

Canopy light attenuation

Minimum wood/leaf

Water use efficiency

Leaf geometry

Intercept of vapor pressure deficit

Maximum N storage (kg N ha−1)

Slope of vapor pressure deficit

Maximum wood growth rate

Maximum leaf growth rate (% yr−1)

Coefficient of stem density (0 - 1)#

Overstory species

Overstory age

Understory species

Understory age

Ground growth (sedge and moss)

Daily minimum temperature (˚C)

Daily maximum temperature (˚C)

Daily precipitation (mm)

Spatial soil, climate, vegetation and hydraulic parameters

Soil organic carbon (%)

Hydraulic conductivities (cm・hr1)


Wilting point (0 - 1)

Clay (%)

Capacity (0 - 1)

Soil depth (cm, ≤150 cm)

Porosity (0 - 1)

Over-story species

Over-story age

Understory species

Understory age

Ground growth (sedge and moss)

Daily minimum temperature (˚C)

Daily maximum temperature (˚C)

Daily precipitation (mm)