How Has Your Education Changed Your Perception on Universal Healthcare?

It has made me more aware of those that struggle with health care rights and the children especially in school systems who do not have access to healthcare.

My education allows me to see the effects of why Universal Healthcare should be implemented. People shouldn’t have to pay for their basic human right to the proper care and medical attention they need and require.

It has opened my eyes to different health care systems across the globe that seem to be more successful and accessible to all people than the U.S system.

My education helped me understand that all people, even those who are young and healthy, need to have health insurance because it spreads the burden of cost among the entire population rather than just those who are very sick.

I have learned more about how health insurance works in my first Health Service Administration class and it has made me realize healthcare is not accessible to everyone.

Helped me realize that implementing it requires compromises.

My education has made me realize the broken health care system and how much money healthcare consumes on our national GDP. A universal health care system might be expensive, but some of the best countries for healthcare follow a Universal Healthcare system, such as Japan.

It changed it from being against universal health care to being neutral and being able to understand the benefits.

I believe that everyone should have insurance, regardless of their education. My education has encouraged me to find a career that offers a health insurance plan.

It’s made me realize that everyone deserves the right to a healthy life, so they should have access to healthcare without the fear of financial burdens (or other factors) affecting their lifestyle.

My education has opened my mind up to all the possibilities of health insurance. I am more educated and exposed to all sides of the health care system in addition to other policies from other countries. I am able to see the pros and cons to each system.

Universal Healthcare sounds great but I believe that it has its own slew of issues that accompany it.

I believe that everyone has the right to free healthcare and it’s the government responsibility to protect that right. My education taught me that healthcare isn’t cheap and some people find it cheaper to pay the fine then to get insurance.

I worked in a Universal Healthcare system in another country for class and have seen the negatives to it. I used to think it was great but they way I saw it ran, was not great. Was more scary.

It has definitely highlighted the difficulty and the challenges that will be faced to be able to implement Universal Healthcare in the United States. It has also illustrated both the benefits and drawbacks of a Universal Healthcare system. I think my perception has not changed a lot but I have become more informed.

My education has made me think more about how we need to make changes. We need to be fairer to all levels of income. All people should have access to healthcare.

My education in the DPT program has taught me that all patients require individualized care. Universal Healthcare has the potential to not allow individualized care. Insurance companies currently have too much control over patient care and I fear that if Universal Healthcare exists patients will not get the individualized care they deserve due to stricter regulations and guidelines.

In studying abroad, I have had the opportunity to speak with people all over the globe about the health care system in their home country. Before this, I never would have known that people of India have a Universal Health care system or even what a universal health care system is. Finland and other Nordic countries also have a universal health care system because of their heavier taxes. This is more along the lines of how it should be in the US.

Our healthcare system is lacking compared to other countries. We spend way more money than other countries but have about the same results. We wait till the problem is bad then try to fix it rather than trying to prevent it in the first place.