Characteristics at admission in groups

The Anaesthesia Model

Standard care

The Ward Model

The Caregiver Model

N = 83, n (%)

N = 72, n (%)

N = 67, n (%)

N = 73, n (%)

Live alone

14 (16.9)

12 (16.7)

12 (17.9)

15 (20.6)

Under 60 years of age

40 (48.2)

38 (52.8)

31 (46.3)

41 (56.2)

Previous surgery

53 (63.9)

51 (70.8)

51 (76.1)

53 (72.6)

Diagnosed cancer before surgery

37 (44.6)

31 (43.1)

24 (35.8)

25 (34.3)

Characteristics at discharge

Benign diagnosis before discharge

13 (15.7)

6 (8.3)

13 (19.4)

15 (20.6)

Postoperative infection or reoperation

8 (9.6)

8 (11.1)

7 (10.5)

10 (13.7)


Tumour delimited to the affected organ

8 (9.6)

5 (6.9)

6 (9.0)

5 (6.9)

Tumour is spread outside the affected organ

59 (51.8)

47 (48.6)

38 (47.8)

48 (49.3)