| Exergy expression |
Stream |
Bk is Kinetic Exergy, Bp is Potential Exergy, Bph is Physical Exergy, Bch is the Chemical Exergy [25] . |
Process |
Bproduct is the Useful energy, Bloss is mainly due to inner friction, Bwaste is the energy of solid and liquid waste from product and air emissions. Binput is the sum of Bfuel, Belasticity and Bothers that are applied to the production process [25] . |
Work |
Where [25] . |
Heat transfer |
To is the temperature of the environment, T is the temperature at which the heat transfer takes places, Q is heat transfer rate. |
Chemical |
φ, the fuel chemical exergy factor = For diesel [26] , φ is 1.07 and for natural gas, it can be approximated as 0.94 [27] quoted in [28] . HHV = higher heating value. |
Control mass |
To―reference temperature, S―entropy. |
Control volume |