Mukti Gautam Former (DDG DoR) and now a Consultant

Resp 4a. Movres 4b.MOV

Q—Almost all of the projects are delayed, what are the causes for delay in the project in your experience?

A—There are mainly three partners in the project; employers, consultants, and contractors. Local people also influence the project. Projects are tendered without prerequisites and hence lack of site preparation, land acquisition, cutting down the trees, removal of utility in the site area, etc. causes project delay.

Lack of financial resources affects budget allocation, resulting in the fund mobilization for the project. There are also some technical problems, especially in the bridge construction project.

Rabi Singh (President, FCAN)

Res 5. MOV

Q—Almost all of the projects are delayed, what are the causes for delay in the project in your experience?

A—Construction projects are started without any in-depth study and proper planning. Later, it hampers on project implementation. Some factors like improper detailed survey, lack of coordination and communication, untimely transfers of project chiefs, and staff also cause project delay. Ignoring the in-depth study, EIA, land acquisition, etc. causes incompletion of the project. Inadequate budget allocation and delay in payment also affects the project adversely.

Bishnu Prasad Sharma (MD, Lumbini Builders)

Res 6a. MOVRes 6b.MOV

Q—Almost all of the projects are delayed, what are the causes for delay in the project in your experience?

A—Low bidding, delay of payment, poor management, lack of coordination between government agencies, no site preparation, etc. are the factors that adversely affect the timeline of the project. There is no state policy on the construction sector as well as the development of infrastructure. On the other hand, contractors try to get projects at any cost and they use the advance amount for payment of various debts, payment for employees, etc. The government should make transparent policies about the contract bidding process. The contract should be awarded as per their capacity. A monitoring body should be set up and the state should also set a benchmark for quality control.

Shriram Maharjan (Chairman, ANK Construction)

Res 7a. MOV

Q—Almost all of the projects are delayed, what are the causes for delay in bridge project in your experience?

A—The “design and build model” is in the early stages currently. Hence, it seems to be a lack of experience in it. Lack of in-depth study, improper time management, improper decision making, lack of quick decision, etc. causes a delay in bridge construction. Similarly, inadequate budget and delay in payment impact in the construction project.

Q—What would be the other reasons for this problem?

A—Lack of provision of reward and penalty based on work performance causes a delay in work. Lack of coordination between various government agencies, political interference during construction, unforeseeable site conditions, etc. leads to delay in the project.

Q—How do you explain that some contractors winning more projects through bidding and subletting to other sub-contractors also the main reason for the delay in the project?

A—If they are capable of handling large scale projects, they can do it in a better way. But, if there is a lack of finance, equipment, resources, etc. then they cannot construct large scale projects and that leads towards incompletion of the project.

Bahadur Singh Lama (MD, Himdung

and Thokar


Rep 8. MOVRep_8a.MOV

Q—Almost all of the projects are delayed, what are the causes for delay in the project in your experience?

A—We are generally experiencing delays in construction projects. First of all, there is a lack of studies and researches in the development sectors. Lack of study on the impact on environment and society, proper design, inadequate finance, a supply of construction materials, lack of unavailability of specified materials, land acquisition are other main factors that affect the construction projects adversely. In the same way, political instability and budget also affect the work. Construction companies are also liable equally. Lack of in-depth study, inadequate pre-execution planning, improper time management also affects adversely the construction projects in timely completion.

Harinarayan Rauniyar (Former MD Pappu Construction)

Res 9. MOV

Q—Almost all of the projects are delayed, what are the causes for such delays in your experience?

A—There are some weaknesses in the construction professionals and some of them are brought about by the rule and law of the state. For example, the government bids for large investment projects but only a small amount of budget is allocated. Due to this inaccuracy of budget and time, the project can’t run smoothly.

Similarly, the project is chosen where there are no infrastructures like; road, electricity, etc. The selected project passes through forest area and forest department resists cutting down trees and hence the construction gets halted. Likewise; local people may interrupt and oppose compensation if they are displaced from the project site. There is no restriction forbidding any number of contracts. Due to this legal error, lack of finances as well as delays from contractors, a construction project will not complete on time. Likewise, a shortage of construction material(s) also affects the work schedule. It happens when raw materials like gravels/pebbles/sand extraction are banned temporarily in the rainy season. Price escalation of material(s) also affects the project adversely. Thus, budget, slow site hand over, availability of raw materials, lack of transparent policy of the government, bureaucratic hurdles and lack of co-ordination/communication among concerned parties are the main reasons that affect the construction project badly.