(4) | POLICY TRANSPARENCY | (a) Are decisions about adjustments to the main operating instrument or target promptly announced? | No, or after a significant lag = 0. Yes, at the latest on the day of implementation = 1. |
(b) Does the Central Bank provide an explanation when it announces policy decisions? | No = 0. Yes, when policy decisions change, or only superficially = 1/2. Yes, always and including forward-looking assessments = 1. | ||
(c) Does the Central Bank disclose an explicit policy inclination after every policy meeting or an explicit indication of likely future policy actions (at least quarterly)? | No = 0. Yes = 1. | ||
(5) | OPERATIONAL TRANSPARENCY | (a) Does the Central Bank regularly evaluate to what extent its main policy operating targets (if any) has been achieved? | No, or not very often (at less than annual frequency) = 0. Yes, but without providing explanations for significant deviations = 1/2. Yes, accounting for significant deviations from target (if any); or, (nearly) perfect control over main operating instrument/target = 1. |
(b) Does the Central Bank regularly provide information on (unanticipated) macroeconomic disturbances that affect the policy transmission process? | No, or not very often = 0. Yes, but only through short-term forecasts or analysis of current macroeconomic developments (at least quarterly) = 1/2. Yes, including a discussion of past forecast errors (at least annually) = 1. | ||
(c) Does the Central Bank regularly provide an evaluation of the policy outcome in light of its macroeconomic objectives? | No, or not very often (at less than annual frequency) = 0. Yes, but superficially = 1/2. Yes, with an explicit account of the contribution of monetary policy in meeting the objectives = 1. |