
Design & Aim



Key Findings


Schüler & Brandstätter



and experimental study designs

Aim: To examine the effect of need satisfaction on flow. And to examine the effect of competence need satisfaction is moderated by the achievement motive and if the effect of need-for-relatedness satisfaction is moderated by the affiliation motive in different sports domains.

4 studies were conducted in different sport domains (badminton, fitness, volleyball).

Multi-Motive-Grid (MMG), Competence environment (3 items), Flow Short Scale

1: 61 male and 33 female advanced badminton players Mage = 20.6 years, SD = 1.1

2: 78 undergraduate students without any experience in volleyball (60 women) Mage = 25 years, SD = 6.12

3: 695 students and alumni were recruited from university fitness courses (409 females) Mage = 32 years, SD = 9.97

4: 262 members of sports clubs

Mage = 33.5, SD = 10.4

1: Achievement motive associated with the competence environment (r = .23, p < .05) and flow experience (r = .21, p < .05). Competence environment related to the flow experience (r = .25, p < .001).

2: Achievement motive (competence condition) positively correlated to flow (r = .26), achievement motive (control group) negatively related to flow (r = −.32).

3: Competence (need satisfaction) appeared to be significantly correlated to AFF motive (r = .15, p < .01) more than ACH motive (r = .06), and relatedness (need satisfaction) isn’t significantly correlated to AFF motive (r = .07) and ACH motive (r = .05).

4: Competence (need satisfaction) appeared to be significantly correlated to AFF motive (r = −.19, p < .05).


Schüler, Wegner, & Knechtle




Aim: To test whether the implicit achievement and affiliation motives interact with the need for competence and the need for social relatedness satisfaction, respectively, to predict flow experience and well-being in extreme sports.

Pilot study: Picture Story Exercise (PSE), Sheldon & Hilpert’s Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs, Flow Short Scale

Main study: The above plus Exercise Addiction Inventory

Pilot study: 29 ultra-endurance athletes (long-distance

runners, triathletes, long-distance bikers; 24 men) Mage = 47.5 years, SD = 7.85

Main study: 93 German-speaking

long-distance runners (73 men) Mage = 47.7, SD = 9.46

Achievement and affiliation motive were unrelated (r = .02). Achievement motive was significantly related to relatedness satisfaction (r = .22, p < .05). Basic need for competence and relatedness satisfaction were associated with each other (r = .68, p < .001) and with flow (r = .23, r = .26, p < .05) on a highly significance level.


Oertig, Schüler, Brandstätter,

& Augustine (2014)

Laboratory and naturalistic study

Aim: To examine the joint influence of avoidance temperament and avoidance-based achievement goals on the experience of flow on a creativity task

The indicators of avoidance temperance were BIS sensitivity (Study 1) and neurotism (Study 2)

Study 1: Randomly assigned to one of four

goal conditions (2 V 2 achievement goal framework) and then given a verbal creativity task (Flow Short Scale and BIS sensitivity scale)

Study 2: Different creativity task and avoidance temperament was operationalized in

terms of individual differences in neuroticism (NEO Five-Factor Inventory)

Study 1: 101 university

students from Switzerland (74.3% women) Mage = 22.61 years, SD = 4.03

Study 2: 102 high school students from Switzerland (48.0% females) Mage = 16.23 years, SD = 1.13

Study 1: No significant correlations between BIS sensitivity and baseline flow (r = −.14, p = .16) or post-manipulation flow (r = .01, p = .94).

Study 2: Significant correlation between neuroticism and baseline flow (r = −.17, p = .09) and no correlation between neuroticism and post-manipulation flow (r = −.03, p = .78).