Attribute | Description |
1) A need for control. | Being in control is very important for those who are continually fearful. They tend sometimes to use intimidation or conflict to gain control of situations. |
2) Matters are taken seriously. | Fear-guided people present as living life on the serious side and see most of the statements and behaviors of others as significant. Their motto seems to be: “Do things my way” They want to get things right and to produce significant results. |
3) Time is very important. | They have a need to keep accurate time and expect it of others. Impatience is a characteristic of this personality type. |
4) Impulsive tendencies | Fairly often, under a degree of emotional pressure they act or speak without proper thought. |
5) Appearance and image are important | They tend to present an image of themselves that will be approved of, accepted or liked and present themselves as fault-free in appearance, performance or manner. |
6) Tendency to be competitive. | Usually covert about their competitiveness. Tend to form alliances and conspiracies; hero-worship, solicit praise and acknowledgement; use self-promotion―all towards maintaining a safety network |
7) Extremes & inconsistencies in behavior | As a key example, capable of easily swinging from cooperative and appeasing (wimp) to boldness and aggression (bully). |
80 Keep ahead of situations. | Always seeking information, not disclosing their full agenda or intentions; they take a position to win or avoid opposition or criticism. |
9) Secret weapons | Use sarcastic humor, secretly held resentments and contempt, display of extreme shock responses for effect, strategic non-involvement and presentation of emotional distress or “drama”. |
10) Constantly threatened. | Information antennae are always sweeping the internal and external environment for threats, what can go wrong or what is not right; a tendency to personalize. |
11) Fear is hidden and shame constant | Tend to hide their fear; fear and shame are interdependent, which intensifies defensiveness. |
12) Guilt and blaming | Though frequently guilt-ridden they are very prone to blame and “guilt-trip” others directly or indirectly. |
13) Low tolerance of others’ emotional expressions. | Intolerant of others’ emotional reactions, unless displayed mildly. |
14) Low tolerance of bodily and environmental discomforts | Inclined to frequently complain and be dissatisfied; unexpectedly show distressing reaction to disliked situations |
15) Preference for certain types of motion and color patterns. | Some show strong reactions to certain types of motion activity, color patterns and textures |
16) Order and cleanliness are necessary. | Display an inflexible desire to restore smoothness and straightness to disarranged or rough appearance to bring order. They tend to spend an unwarranted amount of time in regular or constant cleaning. Order and cleanliness seem to provide predictability |
17) Many likes and dislikes are based on fear | Dislike for certain animals, people or places with more than ordinary fear below the surface. |
18) Care or indiscretion with money and possessions usually fear-based. | Fear is usually the reason to horde money (to ensure availability) or to spend, seemingly foolishly or thoughtlessly (to ward off disagreeable feelings). |
19) Fear may undergo transformation. | In the course of life, these personality traits intertwine with other psycho-social outcomes (e.g., intellectual abilities, education, self-esteem, morality, socioeconomic standing, power, cultural values etc.) such that these ways of behaving may not be recognized as safety tactics |
20) Fear of criticism and blame is very strong. | They tend to perceive blaming or criticism even when neither is intended; the defense of their innocence or reputation they put up against criticism or blame tends to be disproportionately strong, while desire to be acknowledged and admired seems insatiable. |
21) Moody, with faultfinding. | They tend to show an irritable mood and frequent complaining; in this mood, at various times, they also tend to be provocative or conflict-prone. |
22) Relationship Difficulties | People with SOPS encounter serious relationship problems socially, at work, in the family and/or in romantic situations |