Federation unity brasilian



Law No. 1513, dated 11/11/2003, which provides for the democratic management of the public education system in the state of Acre and provides other measures. Source: http://www.al.ac.leg.br/leis/?p=5558


Ordinance No. 6628, of October 21, 2005, which establishes new rules for management in the state public school system, as a space for participation and collective construction, through new directives regarding the direct elections for director and deputy director of schools of Basic education, and other measures - DOE of October 24, 2005, regulated by Decree 2916 (November 24, 2005), amended by Decree 4.033 (July 18, 2008). Source: http://www.educacao.al.gov.br/legislacao-1/leis/2005-1/lei_6628_2005.pdf


Law No. 1503, dated 9/7/2010, which provides for the regulation of democratic school management in the school units of the state educational system. Source: http://www.al.ap.gov.br/ver_texto_lei.php?iddocumento=25541


General Rules of the State Schools of Amazonas―Resolution n˚. 122/2010―EEC/AM, adopted on 30.11.2010. Source: http://www.cee.am.gov.br/index.php?option=com_phocadownload&view=category&download=162:2010&id=21:2010&Itemid=194


Decree n˚ 13.202, dated 8/19/2011, which regulates art. 18 of Law No. 8261, of May 29, 2002, providing for the criteria and procedures of the internal selection process to be carried out by the school unit, a requirement for filling the positions of director and deputy director of school units in the state of Bahia, And other measures


Law no. 13. 513, dated July 19, 2004, which provides for the process of choosing and indicating for the position of appointment in a commission of director next to the schools of the state public school of education, and makes other provisions.

Source: https://www.al.ce.gov.br/legislativo/tramitando/lei/13513.htm

Distrito Federal

Law No. 4.751, dated 7/2/2012, which provides for the education system and democratic management of the public education system of the Federal District. Ordinance No. 254 of October 1, 2013. Source: http://www.tc.df.gov.br/SINJ/Arquivo.ashx?id_norma_consolidado=70523

Espirito Santo

Complementary Law No. 115 Establishes the Statute of the State Public Magisterium, of January 13, 1998.

Source: http://www.al.es.gov.br/antigo_portal_ales/images/leis/html/LC%20115.html


Law No. 13,564, of December 8, 1999, which establishes criteria for the process of election of directors of public schools, as amended by Law No. 14,340, dated 12.3.2002 and by Decree No. 6647 of December 31, 1999 -07-2007

Source: http://www.gabinetecivil.go.gov.br/leis_ordinarias/2002/lei_14340.htm